影视资讯 《度华年》皇上李明为什么将李蓉指婚给裴文宣
首页 影视资讯 《度华年》皇上李明为什么将李蓉指婚给裴文宣








《度华年》精彩剧情介绍 第1集:长公主与驸马互杀双双重生

The end of winter had descended upon the Hanqiu Palace, a frigid night where the silvery glow of a full moon illuminated a sea of anxious faces. Led by Empress Shangguan Ya, a throng of officials had gathered, desperate to meet with the ailing Emperor Li Chuan. However, their path was blocked by a formidable wall of Imperial Guards. Clad in gleaming armor and armed with spears, they stood motionless as statues, their presence a stark reminder of the emperor's failing health.

Only the arrival of Pei Wenxuan, the Grand Chancellor of the Great Xia Dynasty, caused a ripple in their impenetrable formation. Even the empress, driven by the urgency of the situation, dared not challenge him directly. With a palpable tension hanging in the air, Pei Wenxuan entered the emperor's chambers alone, clutching a prepared abdication edict.

Emperor Li Chuan, on his deathbed, entrusted Pei Wenxuan with a grave responsibility: to depose Crown Prince Li Xin, his own son, and instate Prince Li Ping as the new emperor. Furthermore, he was to curtail the burgeoning power of the noble families, particularly that of Princess Li Rong, the emperor's younger sister. Should she harbor any treasonous intent, Pei Wenxuan was to crush her rebellion with the full force of the commoners he represented.

Within the opulent walls of the Princess's mansion, Li Rong lay battling a chronic illness, her only solace the constant presence of Su Rongqing. More than just the mansion's steward, he was her confidant, her most trusted advisor, and the person she felt closest to. As the struggle for the throne intensified, Li Rong recognized the threat the noble families posed to her brother's vision. Determined to safeguard their interests, she resolved to act before Pei Wenxuan could make his move. Her plan: to install Li Xin, the empress's son, as the crown prince.

Although bound by marriage, Princess Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were a study in contradictions. Their paths diverged, their ambitions clashed, and an unspoken animosity simmered between them, threatening to boil over. His sudden visit to the Princess's mansion this night could only mean one thing: a confrontation over the succession.

Despite her frail health, Li Rong refused to be absent from this crucial encounter. Summoning her remaining strength, she met with Pei Wenxuan, her every word measured, every action calculated. Though time had etched lines on his face, Pei Wenxuan retained a striking handsomeness, enhanced by an air of composure that belied his years. Yet, Li Rong knew the truth behind his charming facade. She knew of his unwavering love for the late Noble Consort Qin Zhenzhen, a love that had blinded him to reason and driven him to commit unspeakable acts. Their marriage had become a charade, devoid of any genuine affection.

Aware of the disdain Pei Wenxuan held for Su Rongqing, Li Rong found a pretext to dismiss him, feigning ignorance of the turmoil within the palace walls. In a carefully crafted performance, she emphasized the rightful claim of the eldest prince, all the while taking note of the intricately embroidered pouch hanging from Pei Wenxuan's belt.

The meeting ended in a stalemate, their words laced with veiled threats. As he turned to leave, Pei Wenxuan issued a chilling warning, urging Li Rong to abandon her schemes. His parting shot, a cruel jab at her supposed affection for the eunuch Su Rongqing, struck a nerve.

Overcome with fury and despair, Li Rong swallowed her medicine, only to be seized by a sudden, agonizing pain in her abdomen. Blood rose in her throat, staining her lips crimson. Su Rongqing, alerted by the commotion, rushed to her side, his own face etched with worry. An imperial physician was summoned, his diagnosis chilling: poisoning by "Fragrant Beauty," a rare and potent toxin.

The connection was instant and undeniable. Li Rong's gaze fell upon the embroidered pouch Pei Wenxuan had worn, a chilling reminder of Qin Zhenzhen's demise. The realization hit her with the force of a physical blow. He had finally turned on her, his love for another woman fueling his betrayal.

Consumed by grief and rage, Li Rong issued a chilling order to Su Rongqing: gather their most skilled warriors. Pei Wenxuan would not escape his treachery. As Pei Wenxuan, returning to his mansion, was ambushed, his last moments were marked by shock and a profound sorrow. To die at the hands of the woman he was bound to protect, the woman he had sworn to serve… the irony was not lost on him.

Li Rong, on the verge of succumbing to the poison coursing through her veins, could only whisper Su Rongqing's name, a bittersweet ache in her heart. The darkness claimed her before she could utter another word.

Then, she woke.

She found herself in the familiar surroundings of the Longle Palace, her childhood home. It was as if time had rewound itself, transporting her back to the carefree days of her youth. Standing before her, her features aglow with warmth and familiarity, was Jing Lan, her loyal handmaiden… a handmaiden who, in Li Rong's timeline, had been dead for years.

It was Jing Lan who confirmed the impossible: Li Rong had been granted a second chance, reborn into the body of her eighteen-year-old self. The year was now Yongning 24, a year etched in her memory for all the wrong reasons. It was the year her father, the emperor, had decided upon her marriage, ultimately choosing Pei Wenxuan, a scholar from a humble background, as her husband.

Back then, Li Rong had held a flicker of hope, a naive belief that perhaps their union could blossom into something genuine. But the man she had married had proven to be a master of deception, his gentle demeanor masking a ruthless ambition that chilled her to the core. The memories of their time together were a tangled mess of anger, betrayal, and regret.

Determined to forge a new destiny, Li Rong knew her first act had to be preventing the ill-fated marriage to Pei Wenxuan. After readying herself, she requested an audience with her father, her heart heavy with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

Years of separation had not diminished the bond between them. As the emperor's only daughter, Li Rong held a special place in his heart. She, in turn, cherished their fleeting moments of familial warmth, clinging to the impossible hope that perhaps, this time around, things could be different.

But Emperor Li Ming, burdened by the weight of his responsibilities, remained a distant figure, his every action governed by suspicion and political maneuvering. He presented her with portraits of four potential suitors, three of whom were nothing more than gilded cages, their outward charm masking a rotten core. Only Pei Wenxuan, with his reputation for integrity, stood out. It was a calculated move on the emperor's part, a not-so-subtle attempt to weaken the influence of Li Rong's maternal family.

Refusing to be a pawn in her father's game, Li Rong skillfully steered the conversation away from the marriage proposals. Instead, she requested permission to host a spring banquet, inviting the four suitors and a carefully curated selection of noble families.

Unbeknownst to her, Pei Wenxuan had also been granted a second chance, his memories of their tumultuous past life as vivid as ever. He recalled the year Yongning 24 with a mixture of bitterness and resentment. It was the year his family had fallen from grace, their fortunes dwindling, their social standing plummeting. It was the year Qin Zhenzhen, blinded by her own ambition, had broken off their engagement, unwilling to be tied to a man of diminished prospects.

Receiving an invitation to the Princess's banquet filled him not with gratitude, but with a cynical amusement. He would play along, of course, but beneath the surface of pleasantries and polite conversation, a battle of wits was about to commence.

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